
代尔夫特理工大学Max Mulder教授和Qiping Chu副教授讲座预告

发布时间: 2015-11-26 / 点击数:

  邀请人:航空科学与工程学院 孙立国
  时间: 2015年12月11日(周五)下午 14:00-17:00
  讲座1:Introduction to TU Delft/ Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (30 mins+10 mins)
  讲座2:Human-Machine Systems: why are these important? (40 mins+10 mins)
  Professor: Max Mulder
  Section Head of the Control & Simulation Division
  Control and Operation Department
  Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology

  主要从事人-机系统研究,包括:Human-machine systems, visual and vestibular perception, neuromuscular dynamics, manual control cybernetics, haptic systems, system identification, cognitive systems engineering, ecological interfaces。于1999年从该课题组获得PhD,曾于2005年获得荷兰国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金(VIDI)资助,已发表或合作发表逾90篇ISI期刊文章,著作2本。AIAA Associate Fellow, 超过25名博士生和220名硕士生的导师。

  讲座3:Advanced GNC research activities at TU Delft (30 mins+10 mins)
  讲座4:Introduction to model and sensor based fault tolerant flight control (40 mins+10 min)
  Associate Professor: Qiping Chu (褚启平)
  Head of the GNC Discipline in the Control & Simulation Division
  Control and Operation Department
  Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology

  The research field of Dr. Chu is ranged from adaptive control, nonlinear control, robust control, and intelligent control to precise navigation, system model identification and nonlinear optimisation for aerospace vehicles. He has authored and co-authored more than 150 journal, conference book chapter publications in the related field. Dr. Chu was the designer of the attitude control system for the third Dutch satellite Sloshsat launched successfully in Feb. 2005, is a reviewer of large number international journals in aerospace GNC and a member of AIAA.

  代尔夫特理工大学航空工程系下的Control&Simulation飞行控制与仿真研究组在飞行力学、导航制导与控制、驾驶员控制行为建模领域处于国际领军水平,课题组拥有世界最先进之一的科研型六自由度飞行模拟器SIMONA以及Cessna Citation II飞行试验机。与NASA Ames, Nasa Langley, Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin,德国航空实验室DLR,荷兰航空实验室NLR、慕尼黑工业大学、明尼苏达大学有紧密项目合作关系,主持完成了欧盟、空客、波音等公司的多个科研项目,毕业生多人进入前述单位工作。主持或参研项目涉及了多种型号飞机(如A380)、Sloshsat卫星等对象的建模、控制、导航制导、人机系统方面相关的项目。

